6temic® Tools
Assessments, team & leadership boosters
A unique toolbox merging the best of management with 70 years of systemic techniques.
To get your team higher than ever, consistently.
Excel, Consistently
Great leadership and high-performing teams rely on best-in-class management techniques: 6temic® captures them!
But 6temic® is much more than cutting-edge management.
6temic® revolutions management by offering you systemic techniques that proved their efficiency to solve problems. 70 years of research and clinical expertise in family therapy become your new best management & leadership boosters, for unprecedented performance.
Get detailed insight about how your team, leaders and members operate and perform.
Get recommendations and improvement plans.
6temic® Short Team Assessment (Free)
Take a few minutes to answer a couple of questions about your team, and get a report by email. The report presents the status, the list of strengths and weaknesses, and improvement recommendations for your team.
6temic® Team Assessment
A full scan of your team: Individual contributions, balance, collaboration, communication, leadership, cohesion, motivation, and more.
Each team member gets a personalized report, and a detailed team report is delivered.
A detailed status, a list of strengths and weaknesses, and improvement recommendations are presented.
6temic® Leadership Assessment
Leaders play a key role in teams.
Discover your leadership style and measure its impact and performance.
6temic® Team Player Assessment
A detailed individual assessment for selected team members.
Key personal factors and how they interact with the team are analyzed.
Enabling your team members to reach the maximum of their potential.
DISC / MBTI / 3rd Party Assessment
Perform 3rd party assessments, to understand your key personality and success factors.
DISC, MBTI and more. Please reach out to hear about all options.
Team Boosters
Improve your team’s macro, micro and meta operation.
6temic® Organigram
You have an organigram of your team structure. This is the visible part of the iceberg.
Let’s dive in and uncover all indirect, informal and implicit mechanisms at play in your team.
Inspired by Maria Borcsa’s work on genograms.
6temic® Team Identity
Let’s see how your team members see the identity of your group, and their respective roles and relationships.
Use systemic tools like Totem, Sculpture (Virginia Satir), or Blazon (Yveline Rey) to build a common picture.
6temic® Team Dynamics
The interactions in your team are one if its key success factors.
Discover what schemes play in the group, improve interactions, fix problems and conflicts.
Roleplay tools can be used, including Constellations (Bert Hellinger).
6temic® Team Building
Build a strong and cohesive team.
Know your teammates, their strengths and weaknesses, and build a supportive structure to make the most out of everyone’s contribution.
6temic® Team Performance
A set of systemic tools to improve efficiency, effectiveness and team motivation.
Make sure your goals are clear, well-communicated, that your team is aligned and motivated. Optimize interactions and individual tasks, and monitor quality in all individual and group processes.
6temic® Monitor
Monitoring key indicators in your team is a main success factor to performance.
Set up detectors to anticipate problems and fix them.
6temic® Solutions
A set of systemic tools to shift perspectives and cut vicious circles: Ultra-Solution (Paul Watzlawick), paradoxical prescription (Palo Alto), and more surprises in this toolbox.
6temic® Innovation
Creativity and innovation boosters, from expert Research & Development leaders.
6temic® Meetings
Efficient and purposeful meetings, with clear objectives and decisions.
From expert managers, to help your team focus.
Leadership Boosters
Improve your leadership and impact on the team.
6temic® Team Impact
A good leader knows his team, and how to best work with each teammate.
This tool will boost your impact on your team.
6temic® Empower
Get each of your team members to express the best of their potential.
Let them take initiative, express their own leadership and leverage yours to maximize impact on the team.

Time For Magic
With 6temic®, you get it all. Optimal service, perfectly tailored to your needs, with unique tools to guide you.
Let’s work together!