Services For Teams & Leaders

with the unique 6temic® tools



Based in Geneva Switzerland,

also available across Europe, USA, and remotely.


In English, French, German, Swiss-German and Spanish.

6temic® Services

To overcome your challenges, the 6temic® methodology optimizes all individual & collective aspects of your team: macro, micro, and meta.

Combining the best of management and systemic techniques, 6temic® seamlessly adapts to constantly offer the most appropriate guidance attitude. From open and neutral to directive, 6temic® can flexibly be any combination of well-known techniques:


A meta posture to restore communication and resolve issues or conflicts in your team.


Create a safe and open interaction to ease communication, and foster leadership, collaboration and team creativity.


You have the potential to overcome your challenges, let’s discover together where are the keys. 6temic® tools and empathy will accompany your journey at the pace you like.


6temic® assessment tools help you to diagnose your team and leadership. I’ll share insight to inspire you, and you can pick tools on demand.


Efficient process, precise answers and guidance: 6temic® tools as a turnkey solution.


I provide trainings to leaders, managers, team players and full teams on team optimization and leadership.

Please contact me to hear about upcoming trainings or organize one for you.


I supervise leaders and managers on leadership and team play, and also organize intervision sessions where leaders or groups exchange about their experience and challenges.

Interim Management

I conduct your team through challenges and change. I’ll use 6temic® tools along the way to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your team, and durably boost its attitude and performance.

The Systemic Benefit

State of the art management, consulting and coaching services are great. But 6temic® takes them all to the next level. A holistic and integrative approach from a group perspective, puts the best of everything in one tailor-made solution for you. The best possible combination of management and psychology puts your leadership and team on steroids.

Systemic Heritage

Systemic therapy has developed 70 years of expertise and tools for understanding and optimizing human interactions.

You may already have heard about Bateson, Haley, Watzlawick, Satir, Minuchin, de Shazer, Gergen, White, Selvini, or Elkaïm. They are some of the most renowned experts and contributors to the development of systemic therapy.

History in a Nutshell

It all started in Palo Alto (USA) with Bateson in 1952, and the Mental Research Institute (Jackson, Haley, Watzlawick, Satir) and their strategic approach. Later contributions include:

  • Multiple impact therapy (Goolishian)
  • Psychodynamic approach (Ackerman)
  • Structural approach (Minuchin)
  • Systemic family therapy (Selvini)
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) (Bandler and Grinder)
  • Contextual therapy (Boszormenyi-Nagy)
  • Solution-oriented brief therapy (de Shazer)
  • Social constructionism (Gergen)
  • Narrative approach (White)
  • Collaborative therapy (Anderson)
  • Recent developments of systemic psychotherapy with Elkaïm, Ausloos, Cyrulnik, Neuburger, Cook-Darzens, Salem, Stierlin, and others.

Time For Magic

With 6temic®, you get it all. Optimal service, perfectly tailored to your needs, with unique tools to guide you.

Let’s work together!